the more accurate your information the better our solution will be.

Company details.

Is the Franchise Established? Yes No If yes complete the following or put TBA if new.
Franchise Name
Unit No  / Street No     
Street Name

State Postcode
Franchise Phone Number
Franchise Start Date
as dd/mm/yyyy
Number of Staff
Franchise purchase or set up price.
How much do you wish to borrow?
Bank name and branch
Bank name Branch
Your Accountants Business Name
Contact Person at Accountant
Accountants Phone Number
Accountants Email Address
Do you have your most recent tax returns?
Yes No

Purchaser details.

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
as dd/mm/yyyy
Drivers Licence Number
Expiry Date: State
Marital Status
Number of Dependants
Are you an Australian Citizen
Unit No  / Street No     
Street Name

State Postcode
Residence Status
If you rent, monthly payment is $
If you rent please supply Agent / Landlord Name
Phone Number
Date Moved In
as dd/mm/yyyy
Telephone Home
Telephone Mobile
Email Address
Gross Annual Income
$ per year
Family Allowance etc.
$ per year
Invest Property Rental Income
$ per year
Do you have any other income?
Yes No
A couple of important credit questions.
Do you have credit defaults?
(If YES provide details.)
Are all current credit commitments up to date?
(If NO provide details.)

Will there be another person involved?

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Relationship to Director 1
Date of Birth
as dd/mm/yyyy
Drivers Licence Number
Expiry Date: State
Marital Status
As Above or
As Above or
Are you an Australian Citizen
As Above or Unit No / Street No       
Street Name

State Postcode
Date Moved In
as dd/mm/yyyy
Telephone Home
As Above or
Applicant 2 Mobile Number
Applicant 2 Email Address
Applicant 2 Occupation
Employment Start Date
as dd/mm/yyyy
Gross Annual Income
$ per year
Family Allowance etc.
$ per year
Investment Property Rental Income
$ per year
Do you have any other income?
Yes No

How did you find us?

Their name:
Is there anything else you would like to add or do you have any questions?
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information you provide to assist you with your credit needs, including the preparation and submission of loan applications. We also use it to send you product information and promotional material. From time to time this will include direct marketing communications but we will always give you the option of not receiving these communications. We provide your information to the companies with whom you choose to deal (and their representatives). We may also provide your information to contractors who supply services to us (e.g. to handle mailings on our behalf), and to others if we are required to do so by law. We do not trade, rent or sell your information or disclose it to overseas recipients. If you don’t provide us with full information, we can’t properly advise or assist you with loan applications. Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you can access and ask us to correct your information, or make a privacy related complaint. You can obtain a copy by clicking here.
I/We hereby request a proposal for a mortgage loan to be prepared by Money Simplicity and understand that such a proposal will be based on information provided herein which is true and correct. By asking us to assist with your credit needs, you consent to the collection and use of the information you have provided to us for the purposes described above.